“What books mean to me”
“What books mean to me” is the second project of the Be A Page in A Book series which invites people in our community to reflect on a specific topic in the form of a short comic strip. We then curate all pages into a collaborative book.
“What books mean to me” is also an open question with numerous answers. The book features diverse voices as we reached out to our peers, friends, neighbors and family members, near and far away. It involves book lovers, book makers, talented cartoonists, amateur artists, writers, poets, voracious readers, intimidated sketch artists, students, dreamers and many more and everyone is a page in this book!
This collection of pages into an artists’ book was edited, printed, and hand-bound by Danièle Archambault, Servane Briand and Paloma Lucas at Cubberley Artist Studios in Palo Alto, California.
The pages are photocopies of the originals. We chose a playful accordion structure for the original artists’ book. Elements from the pages were extracted, edited and laid out to create collages that appear throughout the book and on the covers
HBC47: The Hand Bookbinders of California Annual Members’ Exhibition
At San Francisco Public Library, Skylight Gallery / June 8 - September 2, 2019
Book box
Artist's book in accordion structure
Exhibit at the HBC Annual Members’ Exhibition 2019 at San Francisco Public Library Skylight Gallery