Things / Think
The book was designed, printed and hand bounded by Paloma Lucas. The physical structure of the allows for a playful combination of images and text. The book is bound with two opposing spines leading to a conversation between material “Things” side and emotions that evoke on the “Think” side. Each “Things” image is accompanied by a haiku that captures the essence of the image. “Think” is introduced by its definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The book contains Six original “Things” Linocuts and Six “Think” screen prints by Paloma Lucas. “ Things” Haikus were writen by Calvin Darling.
Linocuts prints and screen prints on Rives BFK paper. The pages were printed utilizing screen print techniques and inkjet printer on Canson mi-teints. Lokta paper and Rayon paper was used for the cover.
Artwork size: 7’’ x 7’’ x 1.25’’
Substrate type: Linocuts prints and screen prints on Rives BFK paper. The pages were printed utilizing screen print techniques and inkjet printer on Canson mi-teints. Lokta paper and Rayon paper was used for the cover.
Edition: 3
Completed: 1/2016